Monday, April 23, 2012

1000 Gifts: #316-336

316. computer saavy. . .able to help mom with some technical difficulties
317. family walk, just the four of us
318. Carrie's special marinated BBQ chicken

319. relaxing and enjoying my last full day off
320. tucking Hershey kisses into my dad's pocket as he leaves for work
321. got my dry cleaning taken care of. finally.
322. familiarity with the pharmaceutical industry and policies.
323. shopping with Branden
324. only missed 1 answer on my SOP training quiz
325. up close with God's amazing creation

326.unplanned extra work hours
327.surprise visit from Susan and Natalie

328. sunshine is back after a few grey and cloudy days
329. able to help my work crew out even though I am not yet fully trained
330. got home in time to walk with my mom and sister
331. managed a site by myself for the 1st time with no incidents
332. dad had the evening off to habg out with us
333. free clothes

334. safety at Calvary
335. getting to know and hang out with Jared and Alec
336. great time of fellowship and testimonies
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  1. Hi Jenn,
    A lovely list of gifts from God. What type of distribution do you work at in Calgary?

    From an Ontario girl.

    I can't sign in from Wordpress (Blogspot doesn't like it) so here is my URL

  2. It's funny how reading others' lists leaves me feeling grateful, even when the experiences weren't mine. I felt this way about your list today.
    The bunny is SO stinking adorable! :)
