Trying to squeeze in a quick card game before work, so I used the only thing available to keep score. . .a half used napkin! We had a blast though!
Picking up some new Project Life stuff at ACMoore, I love that they have a different variety of products than Michaels
Finally finishing my Stories from Home album while at the dealership waiting on an oil change, seriously the fastest wait I've ever had!!
Finished my Punta Cana album in record time! I'm on a roll this week wrapping up unfinished projects!
Waiting for a friend to hang out and show off my newly finished album
Busy, busy month at work. . .so many extra jobs and sidenotes on our calendar this month
Spending Saturday morning with my sister. . .even if it meant video games all morning!
Week 36s completed pages:
(used both design A & G page protectors)
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