Friday, April 21, 2017

Week in the Life: Thursday

I did a little better yesterday with this project, but still I am struggling this year. It is kinda bumming me out, but I am not quitting... I'll just keep trudging along!

Around here we drink tea every morning before we run.
 Around here Maggie checks out every sound she hears out front.
 Around here a lot of work gets done on the computer.
 Around here I keep a sketchbook nearby for random slots of spare time (What's that?)
 Around here Maggie can be found next to me no matter where I am.
 Around here you got to remember to charge your fitbit regularly or you'll miss all the steps you take at the grocery store
 Around here I have way too many things going on at once
 Around here every day consists of training at one or more of my sites
 Around here we don't eat out much as a family, especially with my schedule, so it was a treat to meet up with my family for dinner
 Around here I still have to "babysit" several employees
 Around here everyone gives Maggie lots of loving
Around here we stay up a little later than usual chit chatting while she waits for her medicine alarm to go off.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Week in the Life: Wednesday

We made it to the half way point and I am starting to get my head in the game, but still dragging my feet this year. I have a lot going on with work and some major stressers happening all around me, but keeping my head up and documenting it all!

Most days I get up at 4:55 am to go running and then crawl back into bed for a nap.
 Most days he makes us tea before we run and does so over a cat looking for a snack.
 Most days start with a cup of coffee.
 Most days I am messing with my pictures on the computer
 Most days I can be found at the dining room table reading my Bible
 Most days I have computer work to do before I head out to do my field work
 Most days I use my giant coffee mug as a bowl for lunch
 Most days the dog can be found just under my feet
 Most days I have to check logbooks
 Most days I have to observe cleaners that refuse to follow the policies and procedures
 Most days I help out because it is so boring just watching
 Most days I grab dinner on the go
 Most days I brush my teeth before falling into bed
 Most days once I am in bed I am asleep, last night we had a late night adventure to go pick up Carrie's medicine from her fiances house. Good stuff!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Week in the Life: Tuesday

I love the Ali always used fun prompts as she goes thru her day. I wish I could wrap my head around that concept, but this year its all I can do to take the pictures.
# of Pictures taken today: 68, most of which were actually on the big camera as opposed to my phone.
Today I see a habit tracker checklist that helps keep me on task.
 Today I see a morning routine that actually works for me right now.
 Today I see with a new pair of contacts versus my glasses that I have worn since 1993!
 Today I see a girl practicing in the mirror. Yikes!
 Today I see the Bible opened to Revelations as I read thru my yearly schedule
 Today I see some reading detting done in the backyard sunshine with a second cup of coffee, due to a sick trainee that called out allowing me to stay home an extra 2 hours
 Today I see a puppy loving some extra belly rubs
 Today I see a puppy being spoiled and licking our plates, love how she holds them in place with her paw
 Today I see both pink and white blooming trees in the backyard
 Today I see "Aunt Carrie" loving on my tired puppy
 Today I see a hard working man relaxing and cuddling after a long day at work
 Today I see a gorgeous canvas painted across the sky as the sun goes down

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week in the Life 2017! Monday

Yep it's that time of year again friends, week in the life! I love this project, but it really snuck up on me this year and I don't feel at all prepared. So I am winging it and just going with the flow. I really need to get in the mindset of grabbing the camera though, but hey it's only day 1. So here's a look at my Monday and I am going with the theme of Monday's are for...
Monday's are for Manager's conference calls and payroll.

 Mondays are for feeding the fish and walking the dog...
 Mondays are for waving as I head out to do some field work...
  Mondays are for breakfast with the family...
 Mondays are for getting lots of steps...
 Maggie says, Mondays are for belly rubs...
 Mondays are for getting the job done...
 Mondays are for noticing the details of the season...
 Mondays are for training employees...
Okay so maybe some of those don't happen every week, but it seems to be the normal for this month so I'm going to roll with it! Hope you all had a great Monday! Back to the life living and picture taking, See you tomorrow!

# of photos taken: 64